24 research outputs found

    Methodology of hazards identification in construction work course

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    The building industry is characterised by high variety and variability of working processes and work environment conditions, which is conductive to accidents at work. It is pointed out that the process of analyzing hazards in construction work should correspond to the successive changes in the state of the civil structure being erected and to the associated changes in the state of the production system. The starting‐point for identifying hazards and determining the place and time of their occurrence should be a correctly drawn up graphic schedule of construction work. Santrauka Statybos pramonei būdinga didele darbo procesu ir darbo aplinkos salygu ivairove bei kintamumas, o tai daro poveiki nelaimingiems atsitikimams darbe. Pažymetina, kad statybos darbu pavoju analizavimo procesas turi būti suderintas su statomo visuomeninio pastato būkles pokyčiais ir su ja susijusiais gamybos sistemos būkles pasikeitimais. Rizikos veiksniu atpažinimo pradžioje bei nustatant ju atsiradimo vieta ir laika turetu būti tinkamai sudarytas statybos darbu kalendorinis planas. Reikšminiai žodžiai: profesine rizika, visuomenines paskirties statinys, gamybos proceso struktūra, avaringumo veiksniai, avaringumo rodikliai, statybos darbu kalendorinis plana

    Model of accident situation development in the construction industry

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    The construction industry is characterized by a high level of hazards to the life and health of employees and by a high accident rate. Knowledge relating to the course of the accident process plays a major role in work safety assessment and in accident prevention. On the basis of GUS reports and the EUROSTAT accident model a comprehensive general model of accident situation development has been developed. The model enables one to trace the different possible configurations of the events occurring in accident processes in the construction industry and to determine the most probable scenario of events. It is essential to define such scenarios in order to correctly specify the directions of preventive measures

    Klasyfikacja województw polski pod kątem wybranych wskaźników charakteryzujących budownictwo

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    W artykule przedstawiono metodykę klasyfikacji województw Polski pod kątem wybranych wskaźników, takich jak: wartość produkcji budowlano-montażowej, liczba osób zatrudnionych w budownictwie, liczba ludności danego województwa oraz liczba osób poszkodowanych w wypadkach przy pracy. Do rozwiązania postawionego zadania zastosowano analizę skupień, dostępną w oprogramowaniu Statistica

    Knowledge assets about construction enterprise collected in the Knowledge Map

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    A good level of knowledge is required in order to carry out construction processes in the correct way. The knowledge is acquired from publications, documents, legal regulations, standards, but mainly from construction projects carried out. This knowledge also resides in the employees’ minds. The recording, storing and processing of knowledge for the purpose of drawing inferences about future projects may aid management processes to a considerable degree. The “Knowledge Map” can be used as a tool supporting decision making on the basis of the accumulated knowledge. The paper presents benefits which stem from the use of the proposed Knowledge Map in a building enterprise

    An IT model of a Knowledge Map which supports management in small and medium-sized companies using selected Polish construction enterprises as an example

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    Knowledge is one of the most important resources of an enterprise. Skillful knowledge management can bring significant benefits including labour productivity growth, an increase in quality of provided services and also a strengthening of the competitive position of an enterprise. This paper presents an IT model of a Knowledge Map which supports knowledge management in a construction enterprise. The model was developed on the basis of the results of surveys and analyses carried out in small and medium sized construction enterprises in Poland. The process approach in management was included in the proposed model and it involves analysis of an enterprise activity as a set of processes. The model contains processes occurring at enterprise level and also in the widely considered investment process in the construction industry. This assumption made the proposed Knowledge Map universal and able to be applied in construction enterprises operating in both the design and executive field

    Assessment of the probability of an accident on building scaffolding in selected Polish provinces

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczących szacowania prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia wypadku przy pracy związanego z użytkowaniem rusztowań budowlanych w pięciu województwach Polski. W ramach przedstawionych badań opracowano autorską metodykę, w której wykorzystano: wyniki badań empirycznych, informacje o liczbie wypadków przy pracy z udziałem rusztowań budowlanych oraz dane statystyczne dotyczące wskaźników społeczno-gospodarczych. Otrzymane wyniki mogą być wykorzystane do predykcji prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia wypadku na rusztowaniu budowlanym w przyszłości.The article presents the results of research on estimating the probability of occupational accidents related to the use of construction scaffolding in five regions of Poland. Within the framework of the presented research, the author’s methodology was developed using: the results of empirical research, information on the number of occupational accidents involving construction scaffolding and statistical data on socio-economic indicators. The results obtained can be used to predict the probability of a construction scaffolding accident in the future

    Classification of Economic Regions with Regards to Selected Factors Characterizing the Construction Industry

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    This article presents the methodology for classifying economic regions with regards to selected factors that characterize a region, such as: the economic structure of the region and share of individual sectors in the economy; employment; the dynamics of the development of individual sectors expressed as an increase or decrease in production value; population density, and the level of occupational safety. Cluster analysis, which is a method of multidimensional statistical analysis available in Statistica software, was used to solve the task. The proposed methodology was used to group Polish voivodeships with regards to the speed of economic development and occupational safety in the construction industry. Data published by the Central Statistical Office was used for this purpose, such as the value of construction and assembly production, the number of people employed in the construction industry, the population of an individual region, and the number of people injured in occupational accidents

    Analysis of defects in selected residential buildings

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    W artykule przeprowadzono analizę ilościową usterek występujących w 8 budynkach mieszkalnych wybudowanych w latach 2017-2020. Na podstawie bazy danych 9362 zgłoszonych defektów budowlanych określono typy usterek najczęściej i najrzadziej występujących w lokalach mieszkalnych, a także częściach wspólnych. Przedstawiono zestawienie typów usterek ze względu na ich udział procentowy we wszystkich stwierdzonych defektach. Ponadto określono średnią ilość usterek w przeliczeniu na każdy lokal, a także średnią ilość usterek na każdy metr kwadratowy powierzchni użytkowej wraz z wnioskami. Wskazano również kierunki dalszych badań.The article presents a quantitative analysis of defects occurring in 8 residential buildings built in 2017-2020. On the basis of a database of 9362 reported construction defects, the types of defects most frequently and rarely occurring in residential premises and common areas were determined. A list of types of faults has been presented with regard to their percentage share in all identified faults. In addition, the average number of defects per each apartment was determined, as well as the average number of defects per each square meter of usable area, together with conclusion. The directions of further research were also indicated

    Analysis of selected factors that generate the costs of accidents at work using the Polish construction industry as an example

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    The paper presents analysis of selected factors that generate the costs of accidents at work using the Polish construction industry as an example. The individual components of the cost of accidents have been identified. Using the statistical data published by the Central Statistical Office, the impact on the size of the cost of accidents at work of such factors as the lost time of an injured person, the lost time of other people involved in the removal of accident effects and also material losses caused by an accident, was analysed. On the basis of the conducted analysis, conclusions regarding economic losses due to accidents were formulated